Monday, April 16, 2012

blog 7

According to the article "The Danger of Reality TV”.  by Timothy Sexton. Many young people love to watch TV, especially reality shows which send them bad messages and mold their minds.  Sometimes there is nothing most important for these young people than TV shows; young people don’t pay attention to anybody while they are watching TV. I think these TV shows make young people spend too much time watching TV more than focusing on education, spending time with their family or deal with a job according to a major.

      Young people don’t focus on education when they earn a lot of money. One of the bad messages TV shows send is that "Education is not necessary to fulfill the American dream". These messages make young people go to these shows and make a lot of money which makes them think that they don’t need to focus on education because tv shows make them think money is all they need in life but i think that these wrong mesages destroy young people's life because if they dont go to school, they are not going to be successful. For example: my cousin loves soccer, he watch TV shows about soccer all the time and he wants to be all the time playing soccer which made him make a lot of money and make him leave school and i think that by the time his ability ends he will not be able to do another kind of thing because he didnt get an education, he just spent a lot of time playing, that is why i thing that adults shouldn't allow young people spend too much time playing or watching TV shows
      On the other hand adults should encourage young people to pay more attention to finish school by not allowing them doing something that is not going to be for ever like making money in an easy way. For example if young people get a job on tv and they earn a lot of money. It is possible they dont want to go to school but Parents shouldnt allow this. Sometimes it is neccesary to force them to finish  college  because young people need to  learn how to face the difficulties without a college degree.

      Besides, it is most important to spend time having dinner with family than to spend time watching TV  shows that make young people to follow a wrong way. Parents should teach their children to spend time together as a family but it need to be  taught since children are too little because it is when they get things faster and parents need to remind them all the time that it is important to spend time together. For example: while the family is having dinner they can talk about how was their day.

       In conclusion, adults shouldn't allow young people to watch tv shows that send them bad messages or mold their minds, young people are easy to manipulate but it is better to manipulate them by going to school and graduating from college because if these young people pay more attention to watch tv or things that are not going to help them in the future they are not going to be succesful in life. There are too many difficulties if people dont finish college, difficulties like finding a job.


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  3. Hi my name is Wendy and I just finished reading your blog and I think that your blog piece is well written. I think in the introduction you could have just said your claim and mention why you think its not a good idea. In the second paragraph you could mention the three reasons why you think reality TV is not a good thing to see. I also think you could have put in more quotes from the article and show whether you agree or disagree. I think you did a good job mentioning why reality TV show is a bad message and how reality TV shows can distract a young mind from doing what they have to do like spending time with their family. Overall I think you did a good job.

  4. Hello,

    My name is Shereen and I am a student in Prof. Rogers- Cooper's Eng 220 class. After reading your blog, I have a good understanding of the article you read for your short response. Your ideas are concrete and you seem to have grasped the main idea of the reading. Also, I liked the use of a personal example, it was relevant to the essay and drew me in as a reader. Furthermore, you have a good introduction and good reasons to support your claim.

    In making the piece better, I have a few suggestions. Firstly, in the first paragraph, you did not mention the name of the article you were discussing. The reader needs to know this information. Also, for each of your reasons, you need to have evidence to support your claim. You completed that task with your first example when you used a direct quote from the article, "education is not necessary". That was well- done, you needed to have additional quotes from the article that supported your other reasons. Go back to the article and find additional quotes that support your idea.

    The final three paragraphs are underdeveloped. You have really good ideas but need to have a more developed thought process. How should parents encourage their children? How should they stop their children from watching these shows? What difficulties might someone face without a college degree? What are some other things that may be more important than watching these shows?

    Your conclusion should also include an additional thought about the outcome of children watching Reality TV. What might happen if they continue to watch these shows?

    I hope I was able to be helpful. I wish you good luck.

