Monday, April 30, 2012

blog 11

The main points of The Meatrix.
In the movie"The Meatrix" Family farms were being destroyed by factories. Morpheous wants that  Leo chooses between living in the fantasy or discover the real world. Leo chose to discover the real world which was terrible because all that Leo believed is a good life, was a lie and Leo decided to scape from The Meatrix and avoid that The Meatrix destroys the family farms.

The Meatrix: Revolting
Morpheous, Leo and chickity expose the bad conditions of the dairy industry. Where cows are pumped with antibiotics and hormones that usually get them sick. So millions of people are waking up to where their food are coming from and are starting to buy healthy food with no antibiotics, no hormones, or additives.

Meatrix II 1/2.
the heroes show us how fast and insane the cows are processed to feed our nacion. The workers are injured because of the insane speed they have to pack the cows and the meat is processed under bad conditions because the manure is leaking from the intestines rigth into the meat.

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