Wednesday, April 18, 2012

blog 9

We need to live the harsh reality of daily life to try to be save. Living in the real world is better than living a lie the whole life. In the movie "The Matrix" Neo was living an unreal life where the matrix controls his life and makes him believe things that are not truth. But Morpheus wanted to show him what real life is and he also think that Neo is the person who can save the humanity. I think that it is always better to know the truth than to live under a lie because the truth makes us happy, the truth sets us free and people who accept the truth lead solid families.

First, the truth make us always happy for example: In the movie "The Matrix" Neo has felt in his entire life that there was something wrong in his life which didnt allow him to find happiness, that is why Neo wanted to discover the truth and he followed things which could show him the real world. He found many things and althouth he realized that the truth was terrible and too hard to accept it. He prefered to go forward. I am agree with Neo because althougth the reality is terrible we have to face it. When I discovered my boyfriend had a child i got too disapointed and i felt so bad like if i waste too much time making a life with him. The relationship end because i was no happy anymore and i was not able to trust him again.

Second, the truth set us free althoug it is hard. Cypres from the movie"The Matrix" didnt like to be out of the Matrix because the reality was too hard  taking orders from Morpheus. Cypres couldnt do whatever he wants, he didnt feel free and he wanted to go back to the unreal world, where everything was easier but unreal, he prefered to ignore the reality. But I think we also need some control in life because sometimes we choose to do things that are not rigth. For example: In high school i used to be with my friends all the time, some of them were not good friends, they wanted me to drink every weekend so my parents used to control me and help me to understand what was wrong and rigth. they made me understarnd that i had to follow the rigth things to feel free in life, one of those are the truth.They used to tell me that i always have to follow the truth to find freedom.

I also learn in life that a person who lives near of the truth, leads good families, with solid values and less problems. When we are always hiding the truth we are increasing argues with people we love, we can hurt them and we can loose them. A lie always give us more problems, it is one of the reasons that many relationships have end up in divorce. I have too many friends who divorce after they find out that their partners were lying or keeping too many secrets.

In conclusion, I think that it is always important to follow the truth. Although it is hard and difficult to accept it, we have to face the truth and keep us far from problems that a lie give us. To keep a good relationship with ourselves, we need to look for happiness, freedom and a solid family. So one of the important things that give us all this, is the truth.

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