Wednesday, March 28, 2012

#6 The Truman show

    Life is the most wonderful thing in the world. Some people manipulate other's life which is not fear for anybody because everybody have the freedom to decide how to live, nobody have the right to decide for us. In the movie "The truman show" Cristoff created what he considered a "Perfect World" for Truman. Cristoff filmed Truman's every move for a tv show for almost all Truman's life since he was born. Truman was kept prisoner by Cristoff. I think that nobody has the right to decide how we have to live.

    Truman lived his life full of lies, everyday something new created to make him act for a tv show, live as a prisoner it is something that nobody want. When i lived with my parents, they used to take care of me, they decided things for me but that was because i was not able to know what was good for me. For example: I was not able to decide good things for me even at my age eighteen because i didnt know too much about life that was why my parents helped me but by the time i wanted to get a career, get married, or have kids my parents respected my decisions.

    However,Cristoff chose a wife for Truman, Cristoff made him to get married, get a house, he also wanted him to have kids. All this was sick because i think that Truman had the right to decide what kind of life to follow, he was not kid anymore. I dont imagine to have a life where everything is manipulated for another person.

    In my life, i decide whatever i want in life. For example: If i want to go to another country i just go, if i want to leave my job and get another one i do it because i have the freedom to make my own decisions i am not a kid anymore.

    In conclusion, nobody have the right to manipulate our life when we are able to make our own decisions. In life we have the freedom to choose the kind of life to follow even if we were wrong as when we are adults, we are still learning from our mistakes.

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