Monday, April 30, 2012

blog 11

The main points of The Meatrix.
In the movie"The Meatrix" Family farms were being destroyed by factories. Morpheous wants that  Leo chooses between living in the fantasy or discover the real world. Leo chose to discover the real world which was terrible because all that Leo believed is a good life, was a lie and Leo decided to scape from The Meatrix and avoid that The Meatrix destroys the family farms.

The Meatrix: Revolting
Morpheous, Leo and chickity expose the bad conditions of the dairy industry. Where cows are pumped with antibiotics and hormones that usually get them sick. So millions of people are waking up to where their food are coming from and are starting to buy healthy food with no antibiotics, no hormones, or additives.

Meatrix II 1/2.
the heroes show us how fast and insane the cows are processed to feed our nacion. The workers are injured because of the insane speed they have to pack the cows and the meat is processed under bad conditions because the manure is leaking from the intestines rigth into the meat.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

blog 9

We need to live the harsh reality of daily life to try to be save. Living in the real world is better than living a lie the whole life. In the movie "The Matrix" Neo was living an unreal life where the matrix controls his life and makes him believe things that are not truth. But Morpheus wanted to show him what real life is and he also think that Neo is the person who can save the humanity. I think that it is always better to know the truth than to live under a lie because the truth makes us happy, the truth sets us free and people who accept the truth lead solid families.

First, the truth make us always happy for example: In the movie "The Matrix" Neo has felt in his entire life that there was something wrong in his life which didnt allow him to find happiness, that is why Neo wanted to discover the truth and he followed things which could show him the real world. He found many things and althouth he realized that the truth was terrible and too hard to accept it. He prefered to go forward. I am agree with Neo because althougth the reality is terrible we have to face it. When I discovered my boyfriend had a child i got too disapointed and i felt so bad like if i waste too much time making a life with him. The relationship end because i was no happy anymore and i was not able to trust him again.

Second, the truth set us free althoug it is hard. Cypres from the movie"The Matrix" didnt like to be out of the Matrix because the reality was too hard  taking orders from Morpheus. Cypres couldnt do whatever he wants, he didnt feel free and he wanted to go back to the unreal world, where everything was easier but unreal, he prefered to ignore the reality. But I think we also need some control in life because sometimes we choose to do things that are not rigth. For example: In high school i used to be with my friends all the time, some of them were not good friends, they wanted me to drink every weekend so my parents used to control me and help me to understand what was wrong and rigth. they made me understarnd that i had to follow the rigth things to feel free in life, one of those are the truth.They used to tell me that i always have to follow the truth to find freedom.

I also learn in life that a person who lives near of the truth, leads good families, with solid values and less problems. When we are always hiding the truth we are increasing argues with people we love, we can hurt them and we can loose them. A lie always give us more problems, it is one of the reasons that many relationships have end up in divorce. I have too many friends who divorce after they find out that their partners were lying or keeping too many secrets.

In conclusion, I think that it is always important to follow the truth. Although it is hard and difficult to accept it, we have to face the truth and keep us far from problems that a lie give us. To keep a good relationship with ourselves, we need to look for happiness, freedom and a solid family. So one of the important things that give us all this, is the truth.

Monday, April 16, 2012

blog 7

According to the article "The Danger of Reality TV”.  by Timothy Sexton. Many young people love to watch TV, especially reality shows which send them bad messages and mold their minds.  Sometimes there is nothing most important for these young people than TV shows; young people don’t pay attention to anybody while they are watching TV. I think these TV shows make young people spend too much time watching TV more than focusing on education, spending time with their family or deal with a job according to a major.

      Young people don’t focus on education when they earn a lot of money. One of the bad messages TV shows send is that "Education is not necessary to fulfill the American dream". These messages make young people go to these shows and make a lot of money which makes them think that they don’t need to focus on education because tv shows make them think money is all they need in life but i think that these wrong mesages destroy young people's life because if they dont go to school, they are not going to be successful. For example: my cousin loves soccer, he watch TV shows about soccer all the time and he wants to be all the time playing soccer which made him make a lot of money and make him leave school and i think that by the time his ability ends he will not be able to do another kind of thing because he didnt get an education, he just spent a lot of time playing, that is why i thing that adults shouldn't allow young people spend too much time playing or watching TV shows
      On the other hand adults should encourage young people to pay more attention to finish school by not allowing them doing something that is not going to be for ever like making money in an easy way. For example if young people get a job on tv and they earn a lot of money. It is possible they dont want to go to school but Parents shouldnt allow this. Sometimes it is neccesary to force them to finish  college  because young people need to  learn how to face the difficulties without a college degree.

      Besides, it is most important to spend time having dinner with family than to spend time watching TV  shows that make young people to follow a wrong way. Parents should teach their children to spend time together as a family but it need to be  taught since children are too little because it is when they get things faster and parents need to remind them all the time that it is important to spend time together. For example: while the family is having dinner they can talk about how was their day.

       In conclusion, adults shouldn't allow young people to watch tv shows that send them bad messages or mold their minds, young people are easy to manipulate but it is better to manipulate them by going to school and graduating from college because if these young people pay more attention to watch tv or things that are not going to help them in the future they are not going to be succesful in life. There are too many difficulties if people dont finish college, difficulties like finding a job.