Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Playtime is over catw practice

      Many people like that their children interact playing with other kids bacause it is the way their children can relax from many shores at schoool or at home. According to the article playing time is over, many schools have eliminated recess in favor of more time for classes, and one consequence of these changes is the disappearance of activities like singing, dancing, acting, games. These activities are the ones that children enjoy mostly. I think that schools dont need to eliminate recess because children can feel too much presure, they are not going to be interested in going to school.
     Schools are places where children learn important assigments like reading, math, and science, which are good for children's future, but learning only kind of things can turn boring for children. They also need freedom to chose what they want to do in order to relax from presure of assigments, homeworks. When i used to be a child all that i wanted was to play with my friends at school, after working hard on math or reading. That was the way how i could relax and forget about the presure of homeworks. When i used to be a child all that i wanted was to play with my friends at school, of course after work hard on math or reading. That was the way how i could relax and forget about homeworks ans tests for a while. I used to play many game which i enjoyed a lot.
   Children can lose interest in going to schoool if they dont enjoy the activities there, so i dont agree with schools that want to eliminate recesses. School should be places where kids are happy to be.
    In conclusion, schools dont need to turn their activities so boring for children. It is better that they look for ways to make happy children than to make children lose the interest in going to school, so they need to make children participate in activities that they can enjoy because children dont enjoy learning only math, science and reading at all.

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