Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Playtime is over catw practice

      Many people like that their children interact playing with other kids bacause it is the way their children can relax from many shores at schoool or at home. According to the article playing time is over, many schools have eliminated recess in favor of more time for classes, and one consequence of these changes is the disappearance of activities like singing, dancing, acting, games. These activities are the ones that children enjoy mostly. I think that schools dont need to eliminate recess because children can feel too much presure, they are not going to be interested in going to school.
     Schools are places where children learn important assigments like reading, math, and science, which are good for children's future, but learning only kind of things can turn boring for children. They also need freedom to chose what they want to do in order to relax from presure of assigments, homeworks. When i used to be a child all that i wanted was to play with my friends at school, after working hard on math or reading. That was the way how i could relax and forget about the presure of homeworks. When i used to be a child all that i wanted was to play with my friends at school, of course after work hard on math or reading. That was the way how i could relax and forget about homeworks ans tests for a while. I used to play many game which i enjoyed a lot.
   Children can lose interest in going to schoool if they dont enjoy the activities there, so i dont agree with schools that want to eliminate recesses. School should be places where kids are happy to be.
    In conclusion, schools dont need to turn their activities so boring for children. It is better that they look for ways to make happy children than to make children lose the interest in going to school, so they need to make children participate in activities that they can enjoy because children dont enjoy learning only math, science and reading at all.

blog 14 bottled water is a waste of money

      Many people consume products after seeing advertisements on the media. After a long time of advertisiment, they think that they already know the products and they start to trust them, but they dont research if these products are good for them how advertisements say. I think that buying bottled water is a waste of money and it is harmful to the environment.

      For many years we have bought bottled water because some companies made us believe that consuming bottle water is secure and tap water is dirty, they controled our choices through different kind of advertisements. I have many friend who buy twenty bottled water a week, and they dont know that they are buying the same water that flows from the tap. I always drunk tap water and i never had any healthy problem.

    the most serious problem is that consuming hundres of bottled water a month is harmful to the enviroment, because we are acumulating a lot of garbage and there is no place anymore to throw them out.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

blog 13 cat practice

    According to the article:"Mom, Dad, Buy the broccoli" Junk food advertisements have gotten out of control. A group was formed to run a program and promote healthier foods, they want to limit these kind of advertisements in schools, and they want to cut back on advertising junk food. The obesity among the young is also mentioned and related with these junk food advertisements. I think that parents have the major responsibility to control what their children eat because children learn, imitate, and obey what their parents say.

    Since children were born, they learn everything they see. They taste everything that parents give them to eat, so it is very important that parents teach their children to eat healthy food since they are little babies. When i was a kid i didnt  like to eat vegetables or anything that was related with healthy food, but my parents used to be hard on me, they used to force me to eat fruit instead of candies or chocolates, they allow me to eat some candies but not frequetly, so i learned that fruits were good for my health.

Parents are most of the time with their children at home so they can show them how to eat healthy food like vegetables,fruits, or food low in fat. It would be good if children learn how to compare healthy food and junk food. I see many parents take their children to eat at McDonald's very often and they dont explain them that eating at McDonald's is not healthy. Parents have most of the responsability seeing what their children eat because their are adults and know what is best for their kids. Children imitate everything that adults do, they pay attention and learn fast all they see specially from their parents, so it would be good if parents eat healthy food during the lunch time, that way they would be attracting kids' attention .

Children who know how to choose healthy food tend to grow up healthy and with less probability to become obese or have diseases like diabetes. I think that these diseases are serious consequences of eating junk food. Nowadays i like to eat vegetables, fruits, instead of candies, chocolates or the kind of food that some companies like MacDonal's used to provide us, but this is only thanks to my parents who control my eating habits all the time.

In conclusion, Food industry have made unhealthy food for many years, and they always promoted their food on everywhere like tv,schools, streets,  so i dont think it is going to help if they reduce to advertise their Junk Food, but the only thing is going to help children learn to eat healthy is that their parents start to be concious in what they teach them.

blog 12

     we all like to eat fresh and healthy food, without chemicals like pesticides, antibiotics, or additives, but we usually dont know where our food comes from. According to the article Family Farms, there is an alarming rate of small family farms that were forced out of business because it is difficult for them to compete with big corporations like farm factories. In the article Family Farm, one of the things that it is also mentioned is that Family Farms are very important because they provide fresh, nutritious, and high-quality foods. Unlike Farm factories, which pollute communities with chemical pesticides, noxious fumes and excess manure. I think that it is not fair that some companies make us believe that the food they provide us is good and healthy because they hurt the economy and hurt our health.

    Since big corporations like farm factories expanded their production the economy of the rural comunities have been affected because these big corporations just employ as few workers as posible and purchase suplies, equipments, materials from outside the local community, leaving rural areas with a high rate of unemployment and a low opportunity for economic growth.  Some corporations purchase equipment that replace workers, but these equipments dont do the same job as workers do, they just provide us food in bad conditions. For example these big companies process a lot of meat everyday, faster than a farm family can do, to make this possible people are exposed to work in fast lines in order to pack the meat, workers usually get injured thanks to the insane need for speed, instead of hire more people to help the community and provide food as it has to be.

Farm Factories just want to make money, and they dont care about the damage that the food they provide us can cause us.They add antibiotics to the animals' food to keep them alive, and these antibiotics can cause us many diseases. Nowadays we suffer from many sicknesses, and maybe this is thanks to the bad conditions factories process their meat because in this process the meat get also infected with manure.